Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Life and Times at NYSC

Merri Ballz here- I am very excited about this blog my friend Frank started up here. I’m a 24 year old brunette libra with an innate sense of justice and an allergy to bullshit. While my sunshine and yoga loving self is always trying to cultivate wholesome thoughts and ideas, I have another side that loves to wear black and go on verbal rampages whenever something or someone pisses me off. In other words, I’m a total weirdo still trying to figure her shit out and get her life together… Ideally without murdering someone in the process or running off to live the traveling gypsy life. Enough about me already.

 I had such a hard time figuring out what this first post should be about, because I have so much to say and it’s all pretty important. So I’ve decided to tell the story of how I met this Frank person who started this blog. Frank and I met years ago at New York Sports club aka the worst fucking place on earth. NYSC had a habit of trying to suck every last cent out of me despite the fact that I was a struggling college student working a service job just trying to get swole. Frank was a membership consultant who set me up with a free personal training session… It was horrible. The guy called me fat, weak and had me driving my ass home in tears after a 20 minute session. When I saw Frank the next day he greeted me with a smile as usual asking how everything went. Me being me I let him have it. I laid into this poor guy but eventually eased up when I could tell he genuinely felt really bad. I stayed at NYSC about 3 years for two reasons: it was less than a 2 minute drive from my house, and Frank. In those years this guy, whose head I wanted to rip off for putting me in that awful situation, became a great friend and my source of sanity at New York Freak Club.

Frank is everything NYSC is not. He is the genuine article who put more effort into his job than anyone else who worked there and they STILL treated him like garbage. With the exception of a few others; NYSC managers, trainers and consultants have sticks up their asses and a big attitude problem. Get ready to be harassed by CLUELESS trainers for half your workout because they have “quotas” they need to fill to keep their job. The managers there? They order mother-fucking pizza and stuff their fat-ass faces stinking up the gym with sauce and cheese as members try and get their FITNESS on. I cannot express how much I hate this fucking place, and I knew when Frank finally bounced that I would have to as well. I am now at a smaller, locally owned gym that I love but I miss my friend Frank.

I’m super excited to have this opportunity to work with him on this blog as we have spent hours ranting and laughing together. He knows I’m out of my mind but still gave me permission to write something for him. That’s it for now. Now we all know I have a foul mouth, love fitness, and think NYSC is run by a bunch of idiots. Hopefully my writing has been entertaining somewhat, and if you feel inclined ask me a question or my opinion on some shit and that will be the topic of my next post. I have a lot more to say and it’s only gonna get more outrageous so be prepared.


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